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Role-Playing is FUN! June 6, 2009

Posted by star5treak in AQW, Role-Playing.
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Meet PoorboyX: http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=PoorBoyX
He’s too poor to afford “real” weapons or “armor”, so he only use items that are made from cloth, wood, simple items, and very, very, very cheap metal!
If you see him, he’s my Alt.
A little bio:
Abandoned at birth, he grew up on the streets on BattleOn. A day later, he was adopted by Ninjaguy. At 6 years old he was certified to go to the Class Trainers in BattleOn. He did very well and excelled through all his classes except for Healing, Magic, and Rouge classes. (1/4 is good enough for them.)  After school, his father was enlisted in the Chaos war and PoorboyX hasn’t seen him since. Now 16, he also has joined the war, but too poor to afford real weapons and armor. His greatest ambition is to prove his worth to his father by becoming the greatest warrior ever.

I’ll write a full story later. This is just a short biography.
I have already written 2 chapters of his story! Coming on the 8th!

W0000T June 6, 2009

Posted by star5treak in Site.

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